Tyler Karren | Software Engineer | Email
I'm a 27 year old CS Masters Student at BYU. I have worked on a variety of projects including a ML application at SecurityMetrics, research in applying VAE model in a reinforcement learning environment, worked with Yedding in developing a web app for crowd sourcing wedding venues, and lead development on Treasury4's informational website. I am currently working in the Internet measurement and Anti-abuse lab (IMAAL) at BYU; investigating the value of transparent DNSSEC validation to end users. I enjoy exploring all the cool things tech has to offer and through it all I always find myslef coming back to Web development.
picture of me at angel's landing
wasatch crest
When I'm not working on a project or reading Research, you'll find me skiing or mountain biking! Also I'm always game for some races on Mariokart.
standing on ski tipsski jump